Comments: 9
Sock Poppet at Play 9 years ago
This was fun to read. And you are the first person I've met on Booklikes who has a sibling also on Booklikes. You should get a prize for that!
Bookloving writer 9 years ago
Thanks. :) I'd like that. ;)
Bookloving writer 9 years ago
Yes, I thought it would be fun, when I found it on Wordpress.
Thanks for getting us all started on this!
Bookloving writer 9 years ago
You're welcome. I was glad I found the meme on Wordpress. Since leaving Tumblr and Livejournal I've really missed these things.
BookLikes is the first blogging site I'm on, but I've really taken to the format -- and the interactive nature of this site. And little games like this make it even more fun, in addition to being a great way of getting to know the other folks hanging out hereabouts!
Bookloving writer 9 years ago