Comments: 11
Tannat 9 years ago
Re thing 1: Really? Because I frequently come up with zero results when I search by ISBN (I like having the right cover and so on), and then I have to add an edition.
Murder by Death 9 years ago
I haven't had it fail once and I use it constantly: I've actually used to add edition I know aren't in the DB before I put the ISBN number in. Correction: I have had it fail twice with ebooks... I wonder if that's because they're using Amazon and relying on the ASINs (although I know Amazon stores ISBN information).
Tannat 9 years ago
Amazon wouldn't store ISBN's for epub books though since they don't list those titles. I'll keep an eye on it, but I'm pretty sure it's happened to me for print books too. Maybe you just tend to search for more popular editions?
Tannat 9 years ago
I'll grant you it working 8/10 times. I didn't mean that I could never find the book, just that it didn't always come up. When I then search by title, it's usually in the list somewhere, so it's fairly easy to add an edition from there. I wish you could see the ISBN when switching editions on your shelves though.
Murder by Death 9 years ago
Oh god, so do I. I have asked for it and begged for it. But BL either doesn't think it's necessary, or it's planned for the mythical New Site.
9 years ago
I've given up searching the BL database. I just go to Amazon to find the book, especially audio titles, and then use the "shelve it" feature to add it to my shelf in BL. 99% of the audio books I add have to be edited because the narrator and the publisher are listed as authors and because the book is never shelved with the rest of the editions of the same title.
Murder by Death 9 years ago
I've figured out why they don't combine: BL will automatically combine two titles that are *exactly* the same AND have the exact same authors. That means because of the addition of the narrator, the audio doesn't combine with the rest of the titles. This also holds with editions that have illustrators, contributors, etc. It's especially cumbersome with older works that have lots of newer "special" editions.
SilverThistle 9 years ago
Thanks for this. I try to search by ISBN and have some success but didn't know about the url thing. Mostly though I search and find the book on Amz and then 'shelve' it. A lot of the time even that won't find the book though :/
Bark at the Ghouls 9 years ago
I usually have luck with Thing 1 but never when using just the book title.
Murder by Death 9 years ago
Let the librarians know (or just me) which titles don't come up by search, if you'd like to, and we can check them out: oftentimes it's just a set of editions that need to be combined together. I try to search through the database, looking for things that need combining, but sometimes I'm flying a bit blind. :)
Mystereity 9 years ago
I've actually had so much trouble finding books by ASIN, ISBN, Title, Author, you name it that now I just go to the Amazon page and add the book.