Comments: 17
Carpe Librum 9 years ago
No need to fill the box. Just leaves more to purge from the shelf later when you're thinking, 'why on earth did I buy this?!'
Murder by Death 9 years ago
A distinct possibility with some of these choices, lol.
BrokenTune 9 years ago
It's a shame about the shop but such a great way to add to your TB pile...
Murder by Death 9 years ago
Luckily, it's the location closing, not the whole business. When I was in there I heard the clerk say the location just wasn't working for them at all, but they have another location that's actually in the city centre that's staying and that one's easier to get to.
BrokenTune 9 years ago
Also, 84 Charing Cross Road!!! And its sequel!!! :D
Murder by Death 9 years ago
I know! I have a recent paperback version already, but I saw this one in hardcover and snatched it so fast I almost sprained something, lol. Then I saw the sequel and snatched that too. :D
BrokenTune 9 years ago
Hardbacks. Very nice.
I'm sure you're sorry to see the shop go -- but at least they went with a bang, and some of the fallout dropped right into your lap. So yey for that ...!
Murder by Death 9 years ago
Confession: not really. It was in a dodgy part of town that was impossible to get to without a car. The location they're keeping is in the city, easily accessible by train. And fingers crossed maybe they'll choose an even better location in the future - like, down the street from me. ;-)
Now wouldn't that be nice ... :D

Anyway, it doesn't sound quite so bad if it's just about the location -- not about some sort of downsizing. It's always sad when that happens to an independent book store.
BrokenTune 9 years ago
Btw, does bringing home a new box mean that you might get your puzzle box back?
Heh. Good question! :)
Murder by Death 9 years ago
You'd think right? But no - nice big roomy box 'lito could crawl into and he just sat crammed in the puzzle box with pure distain on his face; wouldn't even sniff it.

We did forcibly remove him long enough to finish the puzzle - YAY! - but we put the sheet over the finished product with the box on top and now we can't get him out of the box to put the puzzle away. Gotta love 'em.
BrokenTune 9 years ago
Hahahaha..... Cats......
... and boxes. Yes! :D Gotta lov'em indeed.
SilverThistle 9 years ago
Sad to hear of another small shop closing...but new books! Yay! :D
Murder by Death 9 years ago
Just the location though, not the business, so that's a silver lining. :)