Comments: 4
Person Of Interest 8 years ago
You don't read much UF, do you? I shy away from it. Same for fantasy in general and SF. I've got a smattering of titles from these genres in my audiobook library but find I pass over them in favor of listening to something else. And I really don't know why. It's not like I haven't enjoyed a few I've read. Do you have some favorite series you think would appeal to a mystery reader?
Murder by Death 8 years ago
UF is probably my second most read genre, but it only takes up 1/2 of 1 bookcase out of 5, so I guess it's accurate to say I don't read a lot of it. I don't like things too dark or too heavy and a lot of UF leans in that direction.

For mystery readers the first series that comes to mind is this author's other series - The Chicagoland Vampires. Each book has a mystery in the plot; they're investigating something each time. It's also got a lot of humor and strong friendships, so less of the lone wolf dynamic you see a lot in UF.

The other series that comes to mind is Patricia Briggs' Alpha and Omega series; it's darker and much less playful, but it's a husband/wife team (of werewolves) that investigate crimes related to the pack. I generally dislike werewolf stories, but this one is fantastic. There's a short story that kicks off the series, where Anna and Charles meet, called, ha, Alpha and Omega. It's, I think, a must to start with this prequel, plus it's a low commitment way of deciding if you like the tone and style.

I'm not sure how well either of these would come across on audio, although I know Lorelei King narrates Briggs' other series - Mercy Thompson - and she does a pretty good job with it.
Person Of Interest 8 years ago
Chicagoland V. sounds worth looking into; humor is good. :) I did pick up the first Mercy Thompson recently when Audible was running a members sale, so I'll give it a try and see how I like Briggs writing and go from there. Thanks for the recommendations!
Murder by Death 8 years ago
You're welcome - hope you enjoy them! :)