Comments: 10
BrokenTune 6 years ago
Opus!!!! :)
I'm glad you're feeling better.
Murder by Death 6 years ago
Opus! I had to really hold myself back from buying a stuffed Opus a few months back. Not because I'm an "adult" mind you, but because the shipping was truly extortionate. XD
BrokenTune 6 years ago
I was going to ask "But WHY???", but the shipping explains everything.
Colds that get in the way of reading should be outlawed. Glad you're feeling better (and that Judy Blume helped)!
As a child who was made fun of constantly for her freckles, Freckle Juice is and was one of my all time favorites. I'm trying to talk my 4th grader into Tales of a Fourth Grade nothing before her school year is over.
Murder by Death 6 years ago
I started reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing to my niece (who admittedly was only in 1st grade and a bit of a captive audience), but she loved it so much she's now re-read it and bought the Fudge follow ups too (and she's in 3rd grade, and reads them of her own free will. :D ) She thinks they're hilarious. Good luck with your daughter! Tell her a total stranger in Australia said 'it's totally worth it!' XD
Based on her relationship with her younger sisters, I think she would really enjoy the Fudge books. She doesn't believe me. She seems to think she's already too old for them. In her defense, she's a pretty advanced reader. Fudge maybe just can't compare to Harry Potter.
Person Of Interest 6 years ago
So sorry you've been suffering, but it's good to hear you've turned the corner and are on the mend. And thank god for comfort reads!

a reading life 6 years ago
I’m recovering from the flu so I understand the feels.

I’ve never read Judy Blume but now I think I want to read Deenie. I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis as an adult (it was discovered during an MRI); I always thought it only bad posture.
Murder by Death 6 years ago
Hopefully your recovery has been swift (at least swifter than mine). I think Deenie holds up over time really well, with the exception of the treatment (the Milwaukee Brace is a dated treatment, as Blume notes in the updated version, but central to the emotional core of the plot). If you decide to give it a go, I hope you enjoy it. :)