Comments: 9
Murder by Death 10 years ago
Oh, I really do recommend it for cozy mystery lovers. My personal opinion - it blows all her other series out of the water (and I'm a fan of at least the button box series).
Murder by Death 10 years ago
I was hesitant about the button box series; it felt like she was reaching with a button collector as the sleuth, but she's done a good job. The latest one was at once her most intriguing and her weakest of the series, but I still liked it!
Murder by Death 10 years ago
I need to read more outside the genre, it's too confining. This is when I miss the old B&N in my hometown; I could wander it's aisles and find all manner of books. Online, it's more difficult to take chances when you can't flip through the book. :)
Degrees of Affection 10 years ago
I've got the first in this series and can't wait to start it! Great review and I'm looking forward to being able to read this one and the new one coming soon!
Murder by Death 10 years ago
I look forward to hearing what you think!
Rane Aria 10 years ago
Thank you for mentions the almost-but-then-not revealing Levi's secret! I'm glad I wasn't the only one bummed at this. The best of this book for me was the complete lack of arguments between the ladies and more of them working toward and the growing friendship