Comments: 19
Sarah's Library 9 years ago
No idea what a 'Tdap' is, but what I don't get is how she got a hold of her immunisation records in order to forge the dates. Did she do it in order to get out of having a big, scary, painful injection? Because if she did I can sympathise. I'm a diabetic with severe needle phobia, it took me four years before I could do my own insulin injections and I'm still coming to terms with anything intravenous or intramuscular.
(Tdap-Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) I keep copies of all of the kids shot records on the computer. I scanned them up on there because I kept losing them. She printed a copy off and forged my signature for the booster shot. I get that she hates shots. She could have talked to me about it instead. I would have had the doc give her a premeditated antianxiety.
Sarah's Library 9 years ago
I had a spoonful of diphtheria vaccine (soo bitter, but way better than another needle) when I was 16 along with a rubella injection. I've managed to avoid the tetanus immunisation, fortunately as ever since a teacher of mine had to have one and scared me to death when she told the class that it hurt like someone had shot her and made her arm go dead for long enough that she couldn't come to school for a few days).

I now take diazepam prior to having blood tests or intravenous dye injections (which I have way too often), but that wasn't even a consideration when I was a teenager, it was assumed I'd grow out of the terror.
Tetanus shots hurt, but nothing like she explained. The insulin stings more, probably because you are administering it yourself. Cortisone shots, they hurt. I have to get them in my wrists for carpal tunnel.
I had gestational diabetes with my daughter. It was weird because it didn't developed until the last month of pregnancy.
The one that hurt is epipen.
Sarah's Library 9 years ago
Really? I always thought they looked pretty similar in size to my insulin needles. Is it the needle itself or the solution that's being injected (sometimes my insulin REALLY stings, like a bee, maybe more than one, stung me)?
It is more along the line of where the shot goes and how deep you have to get it. Also the fluid shoots in really fast.
Be back. Picking her up and taking her to nursing office to stab her. Lol
Sarah's Library 9 years ago
I hope it goes okay and there's no screaming (I've done some screaming in my time). I'll be back in about 12 or 13 hours, it's time for sleeping and then I've got Wednesday morning grocery shopping to do. Talk to you later.
She took it like a champ. I had to promise not to ground though or I was going to have to have her ass out of the school. I had one of the nurses distract she didn't even see it coming.
Michelle's corner 9 years ago
Do I detect a bit of vindictiveness that they're still holding out in their bid for independence a little longer than anticipated? ;-)
Actually it's just as I thought it would be. They are starting to play by the rules, except for this incident, but are appreciating me more. There have been apologies today.
Michelle's corner 9 years ago
Good to hear! Very good to hear!
Bark at the Ghouls 9 years ago
You really have your hands full ;)
Kind of. Nothing more than I would have done as a teenager. I just tried it all and they are so much like me that I can almost anticipate their wrong doings. The only reason she didn't get away with it is because I called the school to let them know in had realized she needed a shot. The nurse told me she was up to date...caught!
Ouch! I mean, I get it, that was a bad move on her part, but ouch!
I didn't give her the shot in her butt muscle, I just made her think I was going to.