Comments: 6
Mismatched Bookends 11 years ago
I want you to know I won your book in a contest here and I have so many other books to read ahead of it. But it is on my list. Who can forget this cover? I will reviews it up and down and all over the place when I read it. That is my promise to you. In turn, you can wish me good health because what slows down the reading is the Multiple Sclerosis. So If you want, I can put this ad my my blog site. Since it is 99c. And a lot of really good books are 99c. Trust me.
Dog-Eared Pages 11 years ago
Please, take your time--I know you read a lot of books, but you also write a lot of reviews. I''m in no rush, since marketing a book is a long process of waiting, waiting, waiting. Wait to put the book on your site when you review it. I look forward to seeing what you think of it. I had convinced myself it was a bad book (since none of my friends or acquaintances would admit to finishing the book or posting any reviews), but this review made me think--hope--it wasn't too bad. So when you're ready I'll be happy to see your take on it. Thanks!
Mismatched Bookends 11 years ago
I do not believe in such a thing as a bad book. I have only been able to not finish two books in my life. East of Eden, and some new YA book that I got for a bookclub. I will try to speed things up. I will put it on my blog as a 99c so people may be drawn to that if that is okay with you. I buy some 99c books. HUGS!! It is going to be okay.
Dog-Eared Pages 11 years ago
Okay, thanks! But please, take your time. It's only a book--one among millions, and there are so many great books to read!
Mismatched Bookends 11 years ago
yes I have a few stacks sitting right next to me! :) You are very sweet. Be well.