Comments: 5
Loederkoningin 11 years ago
It's you! OMG it's you! Despite the "I'm putting up a dowdy picture of flowers to trick people into thinking I'm actually 90" I recognized your flop flop shelf. XD

It's good to have a backup. And have you around. And who knows, you might end up getting addicted to posting Jdub vids.;)
Quirky Musings 11 years ago
HAHAHHA HI it's me!!! Bitch, those flowers are pretty. I'm thinking.. Classy theme? *snort* you actually went through my shelves? Goodreads link doesn't look appetising enough?
Quirky Musings 11 years ago
Oh man, I pressed enter. Fuck HAHA. Anyway... I think that I'll leave the Jdubs posting to you.
Loederkoningin 11 years ago
And Song of Achilles too...out there to haunt us forever and on every website..:p
Quirky Musings 11 years ago
It's not my fault! :( if everyone else would agree to finish it I'd gladly hop on board...