Comments: 22
I definitely utilize my local library! I'm hoping to become a librarian, so I love visiting not only my local library, but different ones in the state and wherever I go to see what and how they organize their collection.

Thanks for the chance to win!
Shondra B (guest) 11 years ago
I definitely use my library, and I also happen to work there! :)
Lisa Bergren (guest) 11 years ago
Thanks to one of my favorite librarians for hosting me on the tour! I so appreciate your support, K!
eliza elliott (guest) 11 years ago
Yes, I love the library - weekly visits to make sure I have enough to read! truckredford(at-Gmail(D0t_com
Lora (guest) 11 years ago
I used to use my local library often but I don't anymore. Only because we don't live in the best town so the library is not the safest place to spend time. Love my Kindle for that reason!
ashes86blog (guest) 11 years ago
Book looks great, love the cover!
ashes0249 11 years ago
I never use my local library, I have my kindle, so I don't really need the library.
Shannon Bereza (guest) 11 years ago
I am that girl that the librarians know by name because I have a bi-weekly date with my children at the library. I have read to my kids every night since they were all born and we continue the tradition I started with my first son my visiting the library. There is just something about being surrounded by that many books and magazines and media and of course almost all the people in the building share that deep love for books and words and worlds that authors can draw us in to.
Daisy (guest) 11 years ago
I do go to my local library sometimes, but they don't have a great YA section. I donate books when I can to try to help with that.
Heather G. (guest) 11 years ago
I love my library and use it often.
I used to love the library. I would borrow stacks and stacks of books. Now I have my Kindle and have stacks and stacks on there to read. But also not too long ago our library was infested with bedbugs and I have had no appetite to go back :) LOL!
I used to practically live in the library and read all the time. Now I live in the country and have the internet. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Despoina (guest) 11 years ago
Yes I enjoy the library. When I was younger in the summer spent every week there to gather stickers for a reading program. Great time!
Sadie (guest) 11 years ago
I love the library! I work at one, and will advocate for libraries forever :-)
Kim F (guest) 11 years ago
I use my local library a lot - I could never afford to buy the amount of books I need to keep me reading ;)
RSsmiles (guest) 11 years ago
I used to go to the library ALL the time growing up since I love to read. But the older I got and the more responsibility I had, trips to the library are few and far between. Also, I have a tablet now that I do most of my reading on.
Heidi (guest) 11 years ago
Love the library. I spent most my summers reading every book I could get my hands on. :)
Heidi (guest) 11 years ago
Love the library. I spent most my summers reading every book I could get my hands on. :)
Heidi (guest) 11 years ago
Love the library. I spent most my summers reading every book I could get my hands on. :)
Heidi (guest) 11 years ago
Love the library. I spent most my summers reading every book I could get my hands on. :)
Heidi (guest) 11 years ago
Love the library. I spent most my summers reading every book I could get my hands on. :)
Jenna (guest) 11 years ago
I LOVE libraries! If my mom would let me, I would go there everyday and stay there--actually I think I would just live in the library if that could be a thing. ^_^