Comments: 17
Jolene 12 years ago
I'd go to Hogwarts. Then I'd try to find a Vanishing Cabinet that goes to Wonderland or Middle Earth
Khanh the Killjoy 12 years ago
I'd steal Hermione's time turner and give it to my sister in college right now. She will love me forever.
Not even a question. I'm headed to the Shire.
Now, if Camelot was on that list, then I'd have a problem...
Khanh the Killjoy 12 years ago
Camelot?! You got some 'splainin to do, Lucy.
Whoa girl, me and Arthur? We go WAY back. If I could turn a degree in Arthurian history into s posting career, I would. Like... I'd spend the rest of my LIFE in Camelot.
Khanh the Killjoy 12 years ago
I'm still waiting for a hot Arthurian Hollywood remake. Preferably with Thor---err, I mean, Chris Hemsworth. Seriously, drool.
BBC already got me a hot Arthur with Bradley James. Bless
the BBC!
I'd go to the Shire, and go dancing, singing, and playing music with the Hobbits. =P Then take a detour to Hogwarts, just because. Wonderland creeps me out too much. Um...where the heck is Emerald City?
Wizard of Oz!
Khanh the Killjoy 12 years ago
I would never sleep in Wonderland because I'd be too scared to close my eyes.
TheBookofJules 12 years ago
I'm kind of feeling Wonderland. I'd like to party with a giant caterpillar.
Khanh the Killjoy 12 years ago
And drink some special tea, perhaps?!
TheBookofJules 12 years ago
You know me so well.
Komal Mikaelson 12 years ago
Clarabelle Cow 12 years ago
I must be slow because I'm not sure on some of these. Wonderland, as in Alice? Forks as in Twilight? And Panem as in Pans Labrynth? So far I'm hanging at Hogwarts, although a nice Elf might hit the spot,
I just wasn't clear about the rest.
Khanh the Killjoy 12 years ago
Yes, except it's Panem as in Hunger Games, I think. Gimme all the elves in Lothlorien!!!!!
Ally 12 years ago
Hogwarts, for sure.