Comments: 14
forestbathing 11 years ago
Very funny! I'm still trying to work out what he is requesting but somehow does not look very good!
The Nrrdling (Aryn) 11 years ago
My personal favorite from my online dating days was this opening message: "do u go down on the 1st date?" That was all he wrote ...

Though I did meet my boyfriend/fiance on OKC, four and a half years ago, so I've seen both sides. Evan's actually got his own slew of horror stories. Apparently some girls are just as horrifying as the guys.
Khanh the Killjoy 11 years ago
Ooh, I'd love to his his horror stories, lol!
Lol, that's a winner! I remember the old horror days of online dating, before I became and old married person anyway. There were some nice guys, and a lot of disasters.
Unapologetic Reviews 11 years ago
Been on a couple of sites. I saw men so ugly, I wish they used Photoshop. I even got propositioned by a guy looking for a paid mistress.
Khanh the Killjoy 11 years ago
90% of the men I see are hideous. Or maybe I'm just shallow.
Khanh the Killjoy 11 years ago
Well, boring people-wise :P Most people I know irl aren't so cool as you guys!
Yzabel 11 years ago
Speaking of OKC, I still can't get over that (seemingly) 19-year-old guy who was apparently a virgin, and thought that "length" and "girth" meant his height and weight... so he was asking stuff like whether women like tall men... Given the tone of our conversation, I'm inclined to think he was in earnest, and really didn't know. Considering I'm 34, it was kind of depressing (I mean, I could almost be his mother...).
Khanh the Killjoy 11 years ago
AHAHAHAHAHA. Is he French like you?
Yzabel 11 years ago
Nope, Englishman. According to his profile, at least. (I never take those things at face value on a dating website.)
Haven't been in contact for ages, anyway. I stopped checking such sites some 10 months ago.
Khanh the Killjoy 11 years ago
Ok, that makes more sense. Everyone thinks Englishmen are sexless anyway :P If he had been French, I'd have been surprised!
Yzabel 11 years ago
Hahaha, yeah, we do have that reputation, don't we?