Comments: 2
Mike Finn 9 years ago
I enjoyed "Saving CeeCee Honeycutt" and both this and "The Secret Life Of Bees" are in my TBR pile. My wife read "Whistling Past The Graveyard" recently and enjoyed it despite some of the unpleasant topics covered.
I'm so glad you enjoyed "Saving CeeCee Honeycutt." I really enjoyed that one too. I think you should read "The Secret Life of Bees" before this one, as I agree with your wife's statement; that "Whistling Past The Grave Yard" was a good story as a whole, but there were some unpleasant topics covered as well. At the same time, it's the unpleasantness that makes for some really interesting discussions with others who have read the book. I hope you do decide to read this book at some point in time, as I am interested in reading your review. Take care and happy reading!