Comments: 33
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
I try to keep my cool and see if Edelweiss have the book instead. But sometimes I just give in, when I see a really tempting book...
I did the same thing!
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
I will try to not request anything until I have read at least NG 2-3 books. :P
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
And I failed, found a book I wanted to read...
10 years ago
yeah I've just given up trying to exercise self control. There are some good ones up there right now. I just got approved for two I'm excited about.
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
I wanted to get back to 80%, but tight now I think that will be
Bark at the Ghouls 10 years ago
LOL I am NOT looking! I'm just coming out of my funk and can't take the pressure of those ARC's.
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
That's smart! :)
10 years ago
Go on, tempt me. I've already blown my diet. What have they got that's good, besides the three I'm already reading?
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
Personally have I found a lot of interesting crime novels, and historical novels...and's just a lot of interesting books there...XD
10 years ago
Damn. Historical and Fantasy are two of my go to genres. Hopefully the two Historicals I already have from there are the most tempting.
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
You can just try to stay away from that works...never ;)
10 years ago
Have to go there to post the feedback after all. ;)
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
Yes, I wish I could just do that...not visit it a couple of times a day....
No More Booklikes, BYE 10 years ago
THAT IS ME ! I just need to stay away just for today, hopefully for tomorrow
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
Good luck!!!!!
No More Booklikes, BYE 10 years ago
But that one looks so good......LOL
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
It always start that way...
No More Booklikes, BYE 10 years ago
NG is crack !
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
And I'm hooked!
No More Booklikes, BYE 10 years ago
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
And I like it! ;)
Yes! I've been trying to be good...
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
Me too! XD
Olga Godim 10 years ago
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
ѦѺ 10 years ago
i have 6 on my NG shelf right now. done with 2 and 4 to go but that's just the reading part.
i still have 6 reviews to write!
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
....I have a couple of more books...:P
bookaneer 10 years ago
Ugh, I was 1 away from 100%, and then I went and requested 6 books--5 Penguin/Roc--and they gave me all of them, and now I'm paralyzed by choice. (And super thrilled. :D)
It's a Mad Mad World 10 years ago
LOL, I know the feeling, it's like damn, all books, but at the same time you're happy! :)