Oh, I was just thinking of the Big Family Bible, for my post, but yours does it better. And I got the idea from Dor Does Books, who selected Shakespeare.
Thanks for sharing.
Well, I might still, but our family Bible doesn't really have that much history. The generational one went to another branch, you know how families used to be so big in the old days. My Mom started a new one, but it only goes as far back as my Mom's and Dad's parents. And we never had children, so it will go to one of my two nieces, and they are both in their mid-thirties and still child-free, so I'm not sure it will be handed down too much further. Sadness.
We had a pretty old Bible, but since pretty much the whole family is atheist now, we gave it to my uncle who is the sole Christian, but he's not related by blood, and none of his grandchildren, or his son are religious.
Thanks for sharing.