Oh geeze. I'm sorry I slammed it!!!! Just goes to show you how different people can view things so differently. Don't be embarrased about liking it. I may try it again in the future and may like it then.
No, no, I'm embarrassed because I read these things, rave, then feel like people might actually spend money/time on them because of me, and then I'm like, oh, crap, do I just not have good taste because I haven't read Fables yet?
Also, keep in mind, I walked on Bee, twisted my wrist and broke a nail - I needed to cut them pretty badly, and did this morning - and then within twelve hours, broke my mom's flower pot from IKEA while watering her plants. :( I'm feeling klutzy and dumb and self-deprecating today, so it's probably more to do with that than anything else.
The Friday the 13 marathon is helping to calm me down. Yay AMC Fearfest!
*Hugs** I get in trouble with people all the time for criticizing things people like so I really try to be careful about not liking stuff people like. I realize we are blogging our honest feelings, but I'm really scared to upset people when they really like something. So we both feel bad so I think we can let it go! Can't agree on everything!!!
Aw, naw, not with me. I grew up the opposite of my family: I loved all the shit they hate. So I'm used to people not only disliking shit I like, but actively dumping on it. On the positive side, I was like, *sticks out tongue* so what? I like it. I was strong enough to get through it, and it taught me to have a tougher skin and more of a tolerance for differences in tastes. (My dad's still working on getting me to properly appreciate jazz! It's probably cos it's not Jazz :P) I love my family, but they think I'm nuts for liking some of the movies and books I like. We all get along fine.
If anyone gets pissed off at you for dumping on something you like, they're not worth hanging out with in my opinion. If we can't have differences of opinions, what's the point?
True story: my friend said something I found so offensive after a dinner, that I had to leave. I'd paid up my share, so I told him, point blank, I have to leave because you said that. I showed up at his house the next night for the weekly movie he shows in his personal theater. He looked shocked and said he wasn't sure if I'd ever show up again. When I looked confused, he said because of me walking out the night before.
I laughed, and told him that, yes, it still pissed me off, and I still found it offensive. But that he was my friend, and we had the right to have different opinions. Of course I wouldn't dump him for that, I just couldn't manage to stay there that night.
We're still friends. (By the way, it was politics. I think he called Clinton Hiltlery, and I was like fuck no. And by the way we're both Jewish, so I knew it wasn't a knock about the Holocaust but just him hating on democrats - because he hates them all.) But, seriously, if he can knock down people I admire because he truly does not believe with their politics, you saying shit - even horrible shit - about books I like wouldn't make a dent on my day. (And I know you wouldn't say horrible shit, but you could.)
Aw, this turned too long. Long story short: it sucks when you go into something, especially something you've been looking forward to, and it sucks. And yes, I'm still looking at both Retribution and Age of Extinction.
I'm so sorry!
Also, keep in mind, I walked on Bee, twisted my wrist and broke a nail - I needed to cut them pretty badly, and did this morning - and then within twelve hours, broke my mom's flower pot from IKEA while watering her plants. :( I'm feeling klutzy and dumb and self-deprecating today, so it's probably more to do with that than anything else.
The Friday the 13 marathon is helping to calm me down. Yay AMC Fearfest!
If anyone gets pissed off at you for dumping on something you like, they're not worth hanging out with in my opinion. If we can't have differences of opinions, what's the point?
True story: my friend said something I found so offensive after a dinner, that I had to leave. I'd paid up my share, so I told him, point blank, I have to leave because you said that. I showed up at his house the next night for the weekly movie he shows in his personal theater. He looked shocked and said he wasn't sure if I'd ever show up again. When I looked confused, he said because of me walking out the night before.
I laughed, and told him that, yes, it still pissed me off, and I still found it offensive. But that he was my friend, and we had the right to have different opinions. Of course I wouldn't dump him for that, I just couldn't manage to stay there that night.
We're still friends. (By the way, it was politics. I think he called Clinton Hiltlery, and I was like fuck no. And by the way we're both Jewish, so I knew it wasn't a knock about the Holocaust but just him hating on democrats - because he hates them all.) But, seriously, if he can knock down people I admire because he truly does not believe with their politics, you saying shit - even horrible shit - about books I like wouldn't make a dent on my day. (And I know you wouldn't say horrible shit, but you could.)
Aw, this turned too long. Long story short: it sucks when you go into something, especially something you've been looking forward to, and it sucks. And yes, I'm still looking at both Retribution and Age of Extinction.