Comments: 6
Elly Helcl 11 years ago
I would be listening to 'Three Days to Dead'
Thanks for the vote Elly!
I laughed so much with "Beauty Queens", especially since Bray's narration is so on point. Even hearing her sing the parody boyband song "Girl, Let Me Shave Your Legs" was a hoot. I'd recommend it.

"Three Days to Dead" seems interesting, though I haven't read that.
Thanks Rose! I'll keep that in mind - though I'll be listening at work, so I'm not sure I want something laugh out loud funny.
Lady Danielle 11 years ago
The Diviners by Libba Bray! Though, I don't know how the narrator would fit with this one. But hopefully it'd still be an amazing read/hearing -- it's my all time favourite novel. :3
That's a brilliant endorsement as well. Thank you.