I'm so sorry. I hope your slump lifts soon. I think there is some sort of reading slump virus going around. I have been feeling the same way, and another friend recently posted on Twitter the same feelings. :( In the wise words of my friend Obsidian Blue, maybe take a break. I've decided to do some TV series binge watching. Maybe that might help you.
I hope it helps. :) I find that doing a binge watch will sometimes serve as a mental reboot for me. And also, depending on what I watch, it will sometimes cause me to crave a specific book genre so I'll start seeking out books again. But it is oddly scary when you encounter a reading slump, isn't it? I feel both lost without a book, and a little guilty. Weird. :)
I'm just getting over a slump myself! :( I hope it passes soon, because I like reading your posts, heh (slightly selfish motivation) and because reading and blogging about it can also be a breath of life (the more selfless motive.) And it will pass. As annoying as it is, ya just gotta ride it out. :)
Yeah, same here. I'm in a slump, too. I found that giving in to the slump usually works and the slump sorts itself out. After all, we're undeniably all readers on here, so a slump is temporary. No need to stress out about it.
Hope you find something to tie you over.
It happens and it's good to do something else for a while, binge TV watching is a good alternative. If you don't enjoy writing reviews, don't do it for a while. This isn't school, it's for fun and the love of books and there's no reason to make it a chore.
I'm sorry you're going through a reading slump, those are not fun! I hope you take some time, watch some TV, and enjoying yourself till you're ready to come back. Agree, with KatieMc, this isn't school; it's suppose to be fun. If TV doesn't work, I've found rereading a favorite book can work as well.
Happens to me on and off too, and I have to remind myself that this is for fun. If it isn't working for you right now, don't feel like you have to do it - go do something else and eventually you'll come back refreshed.
If you need to take a break, take one! I haven't been as active as I'd like to be since September. I'm still reading a TON thanks to grad school (especially my Resources for YA course), but when it comes to time/motivation to write reviews - it's just not going to happen right now. If you're like me, you write reviews for your own enjoyment (and I'm guessing you read for your own enjoyment, too - I can't say the same at the moment because everything I"m reading right now is for school/internship, but ordinarily, that's the case for me). When it stops being enjoyable, take a break. You can always come back when you feel like it again :)
Take a break, BUT DO NOT QUIT. If you 'owe' reviews just jot down a few thoughts - you might even find that act opens up the mind to wanting to write more. Take a break from reading books and enjoy other hobbies - not everyone is nuts enough to read dozens or hundreds of books a year! Us reviewers are a special breed. We'll happily wait around for you to come back.
It will come. Sometimes, you just need the right book to come along and tickle you, and you'll be as good as new. Don't force yourself, this should be fun, not a job.
I'm in a semi-book and full-tv slump at the moment. The books are partially interesting, the tv is really NOT interesting (not that I don't have lots of good shows to watch, they're just not attracting me at the moment, not even The Walking Dead), so I've been playing The Sims 3 quite a bit and watching random true crime shows on the crime channel. I think it's just a matter of finding the right book to perk your interest at this point in time. Good luck.
It's better to just take a break and recharge. One thing I've learned going through my own reading/reviewing stump is don't force yourself you only make it more a chore you want to get over with then a joy it's suppose to be
10 years ago
Find an activity that does call to you and do that for a while. That will ignite your enthusiasm again.
Don't make yourself power through reviews unless you're enjoying some part of it. Do this because it's fun in some way. Powering through things is what you did when you had to pull an all nighter to finish a paper by it's due date - you don't have to do that with books! If reading them and reviewing them has been good for escaping and relaxing, you'll find the moment where that'll be true again.
Breaks are good things! It's not like playing hookey or doing something bad - you can enjoy things so much more when you're in the right mood for it.
Er, I may have to give myself this exact same talk every so many months when I have a book slump myself. So only pay attention to this if it's similar to what you're feeling.
I'm getting through my Scribd free trial so that's motivating me to read. That plus we're getting yet more snow tonight -_-,
I also have some $$$. I think I'll buy some books. Book shopping can cure many of the things that ail me.
Hope you find something to tie you over.
Breaks are good things! It's not like playing hookey or doing something bad - you can enjoy things so much more when you're in the right mood for it.
Er, I may have to give myself this exact same talk every so many months when I have a book slump myself. So only pay attention to this if it's similar to what you're feeling.