Comments: 41
BrokenTune 9 years ago
Your bingo card looks like a quilt. Coincidence???
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
I think not.
I'll jump on this.
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
I was totally thinking of you with the graphic novel/comic square. ;)
Aw! I think I can get bingo with only graphic novels actually...

Does the teeny spare shed count as a cabin if I don't mention it has amenities?
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
Boat, shed, tent, treehouse, cabin, RV, trailer, outhouse. Anything that is not your house!
YES! I can do this, then :D
SilverThistle 9 years ago
I keep looking at your post here and on bookstagram and wanting to join in but I know I'll never read 20 in the 3 months. It's do-able, just not for me ;(

I'll keep cheering you on from the sidelines though :)
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
Cheering is awesome!
I think you just need to get bingo. So five in a row.
I think I will count the same book for multiple squares. Far more doable for me.
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
I think OB did that, too! I'm going with one book = one square, but hey, there's no rules for this bingo game! Because this is just for fun, and rules just put a damper on the fun!
But it is just five in a row to win? I love winning, but hating stressing myself out.
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
It's just five in a row to "win," although the prize is just the satisfaction of reading!
Obviously. *shifty eyes*

Oh, I'm gonna get a win. A real win. Not a "win." Just wait and see, world!
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
I can't wait to see!

I'm going to black out. Yes, yes I am.
next year we need a summer swagger bingo. Or a summer overconfidence bingo.
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
Hahaha! I like it.
I thought you meant pass out when you said black out. You almost got 'breathe, for the love of Primus, breathe!'

More bingo ideas is better. Especially since I felt supremely awkward when I realized I'd gotten it wrong.
Jessica (HDB) 9 years ago
This looks awesome! I'll be cheering for you guys!
Portable Magic 9 years ago
Please, please do this next summer, too, so I can participate. This looks like so much fun!
Jennifer's Books 9 years ago
I'm in!
Olga Godim 9 years ago
Oh, this is a challenge. No, I'm not in. I've never completed any reading bingo I ever tried, so I don't see the point of participating, but I like watching as other people do it. I'll be cheering on the sidelines for you, folks.
Like Olga I'll be cheering you all on. I don't do well with challenges.
Murder by Death 9 years ago
Olga and CMtB: if it helps, I'm doing this but I'm not seeing it as a challenge. I'm going to read what I read and afterward, I'll see if it fits any of the squares. If it does, yay!; if it doesn't, who cares! It's a book closer to 20. If you get a Bingo, then it will really be like playing bingo, since that's a game of chance.

Saying that, I'm going to totally nerd out and ask MT to print this out for me, so I have an easy visual. :)
Hooked on Books 9 years ago
I haven't done a Bingo challenge yet but looks like it'll be fun. Count me in. : )
Consider this ganked by me. I don't have patience to build my own.
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
Ganked. Haha. I don't even know what that word means, but I love it!
Irresponsible Reader 9 years ago
add me to the list of people stealing this...
Irresponsible Reader 9 years ago
and man, hope I don't get to fill out the "A book bust or bummer" space...(tho' I know I will)
Sweet. The two books I've read this month both fit squares, and I wasn't aware of it when I picked them.
BrokenTune 9 years ago
Question: The "free" square in the middle is for a book/category of my choice, right?
That's how I used it.
My mind likes 25 more than 24. It gets bizarre about things like that, but I've been told I have pretty strong OCD tendencies, and I think my fixation with certain numbers goes along with that whole thing.
Cody's Bookshelf 9 years ago
I'm doing this :)
As the page turns.. 9 years ago
That's so cool!! I'm joining too! :D
I'll be joining! So this challenge lasts from June through August?