I keep looking at your post here and on bookstagram and wanting to join in but I know I'll never read 20 in the 3 months. It's do-able, just not for me ;(
I'll keep cheering you on from the sidelines though :)
I think OB did that, too! I'm going with one book = one square, but hey, there's no rules for this bingo game! Because this is just for fun, and rules just put a damper on the fun!
Oh, this is a challenge. No, I'm not in. I've never completed any reading bingo I ever tried, so I don't see the point of participating, but I like watching as other people do it. I'll be cheering on the sidelines for you, folks.
Olga and CMtB: if it helps, I'm doing this but I'm not seeing it as a challenge. I'm going to read what I read and afterward, I'll see if it fits any of the squares. If it does, yay!; if it doesn't, who cares! It's a book closer to 20. If you get a Bingo, then it will really be like playing bingo, since that's a game of chance.
Saying that, I'm going to totally nerd out and ask MT to print this out for me, so I have an easy visual. :)
My mind likes 25 more than 24. It gets bizarre about things like that, but I've been told I have pretty strong OCD tendencies, and I think my fixation with certain numbers goes along with that whole thing.
Does the teeny spare shed count as a cabin if I don't mention it has amenities?
I'll keep cheering you on from the sidelines though :)
Oh, I'm gonna get a win. A real win. Not a "win." Just wait and see, world!
I'm going to black out. Yes, yes I am.
More bingo ideas is better. Especially since I felt supremely awkward when I realized I'd gotten it wrong.
Saying that, I'm going to totally nerd out and ask MT to print this out for me, so I have an easy visual. :)