Comments: 17
That's all lovely!
Abandoned by user 8 years ago
Rane Aria 8 years ago
looks so cozy & beautiful!
That is so cute! I love the little ice skates. Is this for you or are you gifting it to someone?
Abandoned by user 8 years ago
I am keeping this one for now. I may end up giving it to my daughter. It is backed with flannel, so it is super cozy!
Murder by Death 8 years ago
I love this - it's gorgeous!
Abandoned by user 8 years ago
It turned out so cute!
Its beautiful! So talented.
BrokenTune 8 years ago
Very beautiful.
That's gorgeous, MB.
Abandoned by user 8 years ago
Thanks everyone! I took the morning and cleaned up my sewing room to get ready for my next big project!
Please let us see that, too? We could all use the distraction.
Abandoned by user 8 years ago
I just put up a post!
I just saw that ten seconds after I posted here.
What a simply b e a u t i f u l quilt!!
Portable Magic 8 years ago
I love, love, love that combination of color and patterns. It has such a warm, welcoming feel, as though it's inviting me to snuggle under.