I meant to include Middle Earth. And Jurassic Park is a great idea!
7 years ago
I wish I could join you!
7 years ago
This one might be obvious but are you Trekkies? How about the Star Trek movies? Hmm. Rocky movies come to mind. I would recommend Transformers but the last knight one I couldn't get through. It was horrendous.
Maybe Star Trek. I'm not a huge fan of the original series, but I've enjoyed some of the reboots. Transformers is a good idea. I hate boxing, so Rocky is out for me!
How about the Mad Max movies or the Dollars trilogy of spaghetti westerns (A Fistful of Dollars; For A Few Dollars More; The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)?
I loved the original Star Wars trilogy and remember waiting in a line that wrapped around the outside of the theater for hours, with my big sister and her boyfriend. But the reboot, with Episode I, put me off so completely that I can't even give the latest ones a chance.
I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the recent reboots.
We did finish Revenge of the Sith last night, and I will concede that the last half of the last movie in the trilogy was better than the prior 5/6ths of the series. It still wasn't great, by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a well-reasoned wrap up that puts in place the elements that lead us to Episode 4 - A New Hope.
I recently watched all the Mission Impossible movies so I could be ready for the next movie due out this summer. If you are going to go the comic book movie route, there’s 6 X-Men movies. Personally I don’t care for the first three and I have fallen asleep every time I try to watch Apocolypse. Not exactly a glowing review but it fits the series criteria. The Fast and the Furioius series might draw interest from the 18 year old. They certainly were a hit with boys when I was that age.
Also you could do the Jurassic Park movies. How many is that? I think there are 5.
I love the Narnia movies, with all of their flaws, so I'll put that one on the list!
We did finish Revenge of the Sith last night, and I will concede that the last half of the last movie in the trilogy was better than the prior 5/6ths of the series. It still wasn't great, by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a well-reasoned wrap up that puts in place the elements that lead us to Episode 4 - A New Hope.
We are watching Rogue One next.