Comments: 9
... and now that you've read it, you have to watch the 1980s TV adaptation starring Francesca Annis and James Warwick! :D
Abandoned by user 6 years ago
I need to see if I can find it!
Person Of Interest 6 years ago
It's available on Acorn TV. We subscribe through Amazon Channels for $4.99 a month. I think they offer a free 1 month trial, too.
Abandoned by user 6 years ago
This is good to know, because I already subscribe to Acorn for Poirot!
BrokenTune 6 years ago
It's the banter between them that I remember fondly from the books, too. I cannot remember a single mystery, tho.
I remember those that made it into the TV series -- which does contain the best of the bunch, IMHO.

But, yeah, it's definitely the banter that makes the Tommy & Tuppence mysteries work (and fun).
Abandoned by user 6 years ago
Tommy & Tuppence were what I was expecting/hoping for from Nick and Nora Charles in The Thin Man.
Well, let's just say that Dashiell Hammett isn't Agatha Christie ... and vice versa. And neither of them would have wanted to be the other one! :)
Abandoned by user 6 years ago
That is definitely true!