Comments: 14
BrokenTune 5 years ago
I'm definitely in for the Dunnett. Miss Pym is a possibility, but it's my last Tey and I may want to hold on to it for a bit longer.
Lillelara 5 years ago
I would love to join you with the Dunnett.

And I might join in the Christie buddy read, depending on what book it´s going to be (I don´t want to reread Five Little Pigs or A Murder is Announced, those stories are too fresh on my mind).
Abandoned by user 5 years ago
Are we ready for Dunnett as early as this weekend? 1/4? Or do we want to wait for the following week so everyone has a chance to finish up current reads?
BrokenTune 5 years ago
Next weekend would be better, but I will be out most of Sat (11th). Lillelara and I are reading Grey Mask this weekend ...(and I will also be travelling on Saturday).
Lillelara 5 years ago
BT and I have Wentworth´s "Grey Mask" lined up for this weekend. I cannot speak for her, but I would prefer to start next weekend.
Lillelara 5 years ago
@BT: I´m working on the 11th, so you won´t be at a disadvantage ;)
Abandoned by user 5 years ago
Let's start on the 12th, that way everyone is more or less on the same footing!
Abandoned by user 5 years ago
Good luck with Grey Mask - but promise that you won't judge Miss Silver exclusively by what you think of it, because it's by far the weakest of the series! ;)
Lillelara 5 years ago
The 12th sounds perfect :).

Yeah, we know that Grey Mask is supposed is to be mediocre at best. That´s why we are buddy reading it. Sometimes bad books make for fun buddy reads ;). And it´s not my first Miss Silver. The few I have read, I actually liked in varying degrees.

BrokenTune 5 years ago
Grey Mask is a good choice for a buddy read for us, I think. No high expectations, and if all else fails, we can turn this into a Miss Silver drinking game....or a cough-along . ;)

The 12th sounds great!
Lillelara 5 years ago
A drinking game with coughing sirup ;D. I have loads of coughing sirup at home.
BrokenTune 5 years ago
Abandoned by user 5 years ago
I'm in for all of them -- just tell me when.