Comments: 6
Tina's Reading Books 11 years ago
I'd go to a Shelley Laurenston frat party any day!
KindleRomance 11 years ago
She is a really good author, and I usually like her stories. Plus she's funny which is rare. I just can't keep track of all of her characters:-)
Cat's Books: Romance 11 years ago
LOL the other day I was with my Bestie and she was driving like a nut as usual and I wanted to call her Ronnie Lee but couldn't remember her name! We went through all the books together and named the heroines but still couldn't get her name right. Looked it up on the Net. Pretty good though!
KindleRomance 11 years ago
LOL! I think my favorite is the woman who is super stealthy. She always cracks me up.
KindleJo's Brain Dump 11 years ago
I'm rereading this series right now. One of my all time favorite series :D