Comments: 7
Bookloving writer 11 years ago
Emma isn't among my favorite Jane Austen novels, but it's alright. Mansfield Park is the one I like the least. Apart from those two, I like all the others more or less equally. By the way, have you read Lady Susan?
Ok, thanks a lot :D No, I haven't read "Lady Susan" yet. What's it like?
Cat's Books: Romance 11 years ago
I enjoyed it.
bucheule 11 years ago
Also ... du würdest Emma beim Lesen gerne den Hals umdrehen. xD Lässt sich wie alle Austen Romane schön lesen, nur die Protagonistin geht einem sehr auf den Keks. xD
Hahahahhah :D ok danke für deine Meinung xD ich mache mir mal selbst ein Bild und versuche es zu lesen :D
Bookloving writer 11 years ago
I found Lady Susan very funny. It's a letter novel - consists entirely of letters,
if I remember correctly. You can get it for free from Project Gutenberg.
Thanks :D