Comments: 6
The Butler Did It 10 years ago
While it sounds like there may be a lot to dislike in this book, that part about explaining things in parenthesis would be the worst thing for me. I despise that! So distracting and potentially insulting. Yuck!
bookaneer 10 years ago
I was tempted to write the whole review that way (random parenthetical phrases scattered throughout) but I couldn't cope (:P).
Plus, it didn't have the same impact when the parenthetical phrases weren't actually part of a dialogue.
10 years ago
I'm still stuck on the idea that the "airborne disease" is completely safe except inhaled through the nose.You can apparently eat, drink, talk and have sex.

Good review.
bookaneer 10 years ago
I know, right? Although to be fair, the facemasks appear to cover the mouth...while not impeding drinking through a straw, talking, etc...? In retroect, my patience was probably not improved by the fact that I was reading the book on sulfa concurrently.
Thanks for saving the rest of us from this book :) It looks like it ticks all of my biggest pet peeves; I wouldn't have been able to finish it.

Also, I wish I had as firm a grasp of the terms for tropes as you do. Every time I read your reviews, I'm like "I wish I'd known that was the term for $x when I was writing my review of $y".
bookaneer 10 years ago
I'm a trope junkie, or used to be. But in truth there are a smallish set on my pet peeve list and I just use them over and over.