Comments: 7
target acquired 12 years ago
I hope to read this one sometime this year. The only time I've seen rape as a part of a Bujold novel was Shards of Honour and a little bit in Borders of Infinity. but then I've only read Curse of Chalion and some of the Vorkosigan Saga
bookaneer 12 years ago
Yeah, now that I've read more of her books, it's probably not a fair comment. At the time, I'd read Curse of Chalion, Paladin, Shards, Barrayar, Warrior's Apprentice, and a couple of other ones, and all of them have rape as a very heavy theme. Paladin of Souls is a great read, though. It really completes Curse of Chalion.
target acquired 12 years ago
I feel terrible for not remembering the rape in Curse of Chalion.
bookaneer 12 years ago
Reading Jane Austen--that's the one I was thinking of. @target-acquired--With Bujold, it's not necessarily that the rape happens, but it seems to be a pretty constant theme in her earlier books. Donno threatens rape of Ista; also the reason why Caz was beaten was the threatened rape of his oarsmate.
bookaneer 12 years ago
I think for me the worst example is in Warrior's Apprentice--Bujold's extremely unsympathetic portrayal of Elaine Sr really bothered me. In general, I think Bujold handles the topic well, but it certainly is a constant refrain. Comes up in Chalion #3, Vor Game, and quite a few others too.