Comments: 6
Heidi Hart 11 years ago
I am so with you. It undermines my faith in humanity that these alph-hole males are so popular again. Didn't we put all that behind us with the rapetastic douchenozzles of the 1970s-1980s? But no, they're back again, all over urban, paranormal, and some contemporary romance, and ALL OVER New Adult. It's the New Adult ones that break my heart: do we really want to be sending young women the message that being treated that way is okay?

Obviously I know there's a difference between fantasy and reality, and of course I trust most readers to know that difference -- it's just that like you, I find that controlling/stalkerish behavior both dangerous and totally UNSEXY, so I just don't get what the mass appeal seems to be.

Excuse me, I've gotta go wave my cane and yell at some kids to get off my lawn now. ;-)
Cat's Books: Romance 11 years ago
LOL They are never my favorite either.
I'm just glad it isn't just me. Because for the LONGEST time, I thought I was. Like when I first started reading Romance, they were bad but they've just seemed to have gotten MUCH worse somehow. And it was just "Oh, he's so Alpha and protective". No! NO! I found nothing romantic or REMOTELY romantic about that. Just WHY? WHY? And I really can't say it's JUST Romance because it isn't. This starting to cross the "Romance line" and go into other genres. And you know what, IT still ISN'T OKAY.
And that response was for both of you guys. I'm still learning how to use the Comments function. :P
Cat's Books: Romance 11 years ago
Maybe you need an Alpha Male to help you ; x lol
How about no. LOL