Comments: 6
Martini 11 years ago
Awww, thank you! *blush*
You're awesome too! (((Meghan)))
And yes, quite a lot of people have chosen sad books over funny ones.
a TeMPLe of WoRDS 11 years ago
I could go either way with your "You're awesome too" comment. I could do what I normally do and go all *blush* but you already *blush*-ed so I'll go the opposite way and say - I know I'm awesome!! :p

Really? A bunch of depressing people we are!! At least I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Martini 11 years ago
That's what I meant when I said you were... :)

Nah, we're not depressing. It's just that our natural level of happiness is so high, that we sometimes need a sad book to bring us down to the level of normal people. ;)
a TeMPLe of WoRDS 11 years ago
Good way to think of it. I like that :) "to the level of normal people" but definitely not normal :p
Degrees of Affection 11 years ago
What a great list! I agree with you completely on Hardcovers and mostly on Pre-Owned versus New. Also, yes a complete book hoarder. Hope you enjoyed your vacation!
a TeMPLe of WoRDS 11 years ago
To be honest, I think most of my friends on here are book hoarders - and I love y'all more because of that :)

I did have a great vacation. Thank you :) I had never been further than Cincinnati so it was really cool to go up to Boston, the most Irish place in the United States, but it had a lot of people and it was really cold. I want to go back and see more, but I have a new love for my state at the same time. :)