Comments: 3
Reading the Bricks 12 years ago
I agreed with you COMPLETELY that Gaskell is criminally underrated. North and South is one of my favorites, although I suspect that if Wives and Daughters had been finished, it would rank higher. The W&D audiobook is narrated by Prunella Scales of Fawlty Towers fame, and is utterly excellent.
12 years ago
Ah, how lovely to find more Gaskell fans. A delightful writer, she has such a knack of creating completely credible character (how's that for alliteration? Snort.) transformation, that as a writer I'm just a wee bit jealous. I've been a fan since I first read CRANFORD as a young girl.
The Loaded Bookshelf 12 years ago
So glad to find more Gaskell enthusiasts here!