Comments: 4
No worries. I'm a slow reader too and don't be so hard on yourself. As long as you enjoy the books you read and fully appreciate reading that's all you need right? If you're interested the next read-a-thon is on from the 19th of august to the 28th 2013 (I'm pretty sure), maybe things in your life will be in order by then and you'll really be able to concentrate on your books :)
My love of reading 12 years ago
Yes, I need a read-a-thon to get caught up on my goal for the year I think I am 5 books behind. I just do not understand how a person can read a book in one day when it takes me three or four days. I read everyday but not all day usually a few hours before bed but thats my routine and I love it.
According to videos I watched on youtube people would actually either read all day long or anytime they get the chance. I know some of them didn't use the internet and didn't watch tv so all their spare time was filled with reading
My love of reading 12 years ago
that makes sense because I love my tv after 8pm and on internet the rest of the time if I read all day I would be napping all day nighttime I am able to read more maybe because i have always worked12 night shifts at the hospital my whole life.