Comments: 46
Woman Reading 11 years ago
Love it! I'm totally going to do this! Great idea! Do you mind if I reblog this idea and share it with others?
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
Absolutely you may reblog this. I get so many ideas from other people that I want to share mine, too.
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
Definitely don't have to do it order. And I think using YA for children's book would be fine. It's supposed to make reading more fun, so tweak it as needed. :)
isanythingopen 11 years ago
I like this one as well.
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
Thanks, izzy!
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
I think I'll start a thread in The Connexion Zone group to keep track of the challenges and as an encouragement to complete them.
SilverThistle 11 years ago
This looks do-able! Great challenge! I'm in. :D
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
That's great, Silver Thistle!
SilverThistle 11 years ago
I've made a button for you and I Poppet :) Customized one's :P I've put them in a post here:-

If anyone else is taking part and would like a customzed button just let me know :)
SilverThistle 11 years ago
I've linked my button to your post here in case anyone see's it and would like to sign up. Best challenge ever :~)
SilverThistle 11 years ago
I made a couple for you to choose from, Danielle :)
Tackling Mt. TBR 11 years ago
I would love to have one too, if you have time. My blog name is forever long, so if you could put Jyl22075 instead that would be awesome. Thank you!
Tackling Mt. TBR 11 years ago
Thank you so much!
SilverThistle 11 years ago
No problem :)
Elishia 11 years ago
Hi could i have one please?
SilverThistle 11 years ago
My pleasure Elishia. Yours is added to the bottom of this post here :)
Elishia 11 years ago
Wow that was quick. Thank you
Tackling Mt. TBR 11 years ago
I saw this last night and bookmarked it, because after failing many challenges this year, I was hesitant, but I think even I can handle it, so I'm in. :)
I'm going to join too. I'm going to make a page on my regular page today for it!
I mean on my book blog
nospin 11 years ago
Definitely going to give it a try!
SilverThistle 11 years ago
Themis Athena had a suggestion for your group Poppet, a thread in the group for every letter so we can all see what we picked for that one. It's in the comments here,

I'm really looking forward to this one. Thanks for a lovely BL community challenge :D
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
Silver Thistle ~ Thank you, thank you, thank you for the buttons! They are just gorgeous. I love that you did them rainbow colored. You are awesome!

I'm so excited to have others to do the challenge with. I'm even more eager to start than I was before. :)
SilverThistle 11 years ago
My pleasure. Had to have a shiny new challenge banner for such an uber challenge :)
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
Silver Thistle and Themis Athena~

Thank you for telling me about Themis' idea. I haven't had a chance to read all the comments on your page, yet. Themis, I was going to suggest each person have their own thread, but I like your idea even better. Grouping each letter together will be more fun. Thank you!
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
Merry Meerkat Marginalia~

I like the way you did your page for the challenge. I'm going to do that on my blog page, too.
Yes! Very nice. I think I'll copycat that as well -- either as a permanent blog page or as a masterpost (or both -- a blog page that redirects to the URL of the masterpost) ...
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
I created a page on my blog, but I like the idea of having a masterpost that I can keep updated. I can have the blog button redirect to that post when I finish one of the letters.
Marianna 11 years ago
I think I'll be joining, too! This seems simple enough that I could actually finish a challenge!
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
Very cool! I can't wait for it to start. :)
MyReadingWorld 11 years ago
My first fun challenge! Im in :)
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
That's great, MyReadingWorld. I'm excited to be getting started!
MyReadingWorld 11 years ago
...Bookfanatic 11 years ago
I signed up for this, I don't usually do reading challenges but this actually looked like it would be fun and not stressful so I figured time to do something different.
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
I'm so glad you're going to join us, Bookfanatic!
...Bookfanatic 11 years ago
Me too. It's such an eclectic challenge. I've already been having fun just picking out books for some of the letters, like 'V' but I like the fact that you really can't pick out some of them. I mean who knows what book is going to give you an emotional roller coaster ride before they read it or which book is going to be your 24th so I may end up switching the titles for the letters and that's what I like about it nothing is cast is stone and besides I might have picked 2 titles for some of the letters because I just couldn't decide so I figured what the hell read them both. Damn, I'm babbling again, I keep telling myself not to do these things before coffee...grumble, grumble...chases off to get caffeine.
isanythingopen 11 years ago
mmm... coffee

I went through my TBR and lined them all up in a spreadsheet.
Then picked out a back up just in case.

I appear to be adding almost as many as I'm clearing out however.
...Bookfanatic 11 years ago
I only allowed to myself to pick books that I currently have no my TBR list. I think I was having a moment of supreme discipline because usually when I do this I consider myself to have done well if I only end up with 5 or fewer new titles on my TBR list. Oh well we'll see what damage today brings I was going to take a second look at this and see if I could finish picking titles for the letters that I'm able too. I'm just waiting until the coffee kicks in to play it safe.