Comments: 6
I'm sorry! You were so looking forward to this!
I was :( and now it has just ruined the whole series for me! :/
A whole year waiting to finally read this..and the author..... o_O!! OMG!
:( That's so sad.
Five o'clock in the morning and there I was finishing this and crying. I never cry!!
So... I shouldn't bother investing time/emotional resources into this trilogy.

I'm kinda glad I waited for your reviews now!
Honestly? I would just read the first two, and then use my imagination for how it would end!
lol Who knows? Maybe you would end up loving it if you read it!
My friends list on Gr's, of people who read this book _the two of them! _ have one thing in common: they would have preferred not to have read this :/
Too bad I didn't follow their advice...