I must admit, I'm really not a fan of most of Alan Moore's work. I liked the film (how can you not like Ian Holm and the rest of the stellar cast?), but gave up on the graphic novel.
I was curious, so I gave it a shot. If it hadn't been a graphic novel, I wouldn't have bothered finishing it. The film cut out a lot of the digressions. Or at least I don't remember the digressions being tedious if they were there.
True. although if the library hadn't had it, I wasn't curious enough about it to purchase it. Really, part of the library's awesomeness is that it allows me the freedom to check out things I wouldn't otherwise and to take risks in that way. It didn't pan out this time, but I have discovered some really awesome new (to me) authors through the library. It also explains why I read a lot of stuff that I rate low.
I absolutely agree. It's the same here. Library finds might not always work out but it's so great to have the option to discover new authors or genres without any commitment. I love my library.