Comments: 7
YouKneeK 8 years ago
“Swickering” is an awesome word and needs to be added to the dictionary immediately. :)
Tannat 8 years ago
Well, if we want to see it in a dictionary, we'll just have to start using it. :)
Tannat 8 years ago
That might work too.
8 years ago
Interesting quote. That tipped me towards ordering a sample, although gritty police stories are not my thing.
Tannat 8 years ago
I didn't like the first chapter or two, but I found it more interesting once the supernatural stuff kicked in. So you might want to see if your library has it because I'm not sure a sample will get you far enough to be able to tell whether you'd like the rest.
8 years ago
True, they only go a couple chapters at best.