Comments: 5
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
I started reading the books in order years and years ago, and if memory serves, this is where I abandoned the series.
Tannat 5 years ago
Ah, so it wasn't just the skipping ahead that did it then...
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Lots of people love the series, and I enjoyed the first few books, but I found that Amelia & Co. didn't really improve upon closer acquaintance.
I abandoned the series after book 1, because both Amelia and her husband got on my nerves (and I also thought the mystery was seriously "underdone"). Clear case of "life's too short."
Tannat 5 years ago
Well I read the first book, thought it was alright but not great but didn't bother to try to continue until I needed a book that matched two different squares :)