Comments: 8
Well, if DNFs are allowed in this game (which they are), I'm pretty sure you can also complete a book you already started -- and then collect just on the page count you've read for this square specifically (analog to the DNF rules). Particularly under the relaxed "pandemic" rules! -- Ask MR if you're unsure, though.

Can't comment on "Cibola Burn" as I haven't read it ...

Tannat 5 years ago
I guess the question is can you only count pages you read after you rolled or only since the game started?
Ask MR -- the analogy to DNFs would suggest pages after you rolled … but maybe she's feeling generous (pandemic and all that!).
Tannat 5 years ago
Yeah but DNFs you don't finish. And in Snakes and Ladders you can pre-read.
Tannat 5 years ago
I did find this: "This is a game where you can't save up books, though. In order to take your bank from the square, you have to read the book on the square, but you can sit there for as long as you want to sit there!" So yeah, you can't count books from before.
Yes, that was (without looking it up) my line of thought re: the DNF analogy, just in reverse. With DNFs, you read from the moment you land on the square until you decide to DNF -- but neither *before* nor "after" you've landed on the square -- once you've decided to move on, you've moved on. So I figured, if you're reading a book you've already started, the "neither before nor after you've landed on the square" rule should apply in the same way; i.e., you only count the pages you've read while actually sitting on the square.
Tannat 5 years ago
Yeah I'd forgotten about the sitting on the square rule so this cleared that up. I think you're right that I could count the pages I have left but I haven't decided what to do yet. I still need to finish my Snakes and Ladders book. And I've been dealing with work and repairs all day so I haven't been reading for fun.

And tbh I would have been surprised if you had read the Expanse series (for Cibola Burn). :D

I hope whatever you end up picking, you'll be able to return to picking something you're reading for fun soon!