Oh no, you must read Wise Man's Fear and The Slow Regard of Silent Things. There is no telling when book three will appear...it could be days, it could be years. You're going to have to re-read the series anyway when it finally does show up, so I highly recommend you jump into it. It's too great a story to put it off!
And yes, if you haven't read Rothfuss you must fix that immediately!
Read on, read on! I read both at once and loved them both and that was a couple of years back. Recently Audible had a special on both so I bought the audio books to refresh myself for when the next one finally comes out. In fact, I just looked and they still have both audio books for $3.99 each if you're interested.
Awesome, Thank you guys. Definitely going to check Wise Man's Fear next. I can't stand the suspense of not knowing what happens. I have yet to join Audible. I should look into that.
And yes, if you haven't read Rothfuss you must fix that immediately!