Comments: 7
You know, I misread the title at first glance and thought it was "Sniper's Wife". It was a bit of a WTF moment before I realized my mistake. :D
Not a title completely out of the realm of possibility, second chance romance, perhaps? lol.
Ok, here's the plot. A burned-out sniper is taking his last job before he leaves the profession for good. He's contacted by an old aristocrat to protect her daughter, who's become the target of multiple assassination attempts due to her blinding beauty and ridiculous wealth (and the fact that she may have overheard a conversation between two people plotting to overthrow the government of a small unnamed country). The job would pay enough to set our boy up for life, but there's one catch: the only way to end the stalking is to bring the would-be killer out in the open, and the young lady's mother thought the best way to go about it would be to announce that she's engaged. Sooo... fake marriage! Etc. etc. etc.

So, do I have a future here?
Write it and I'll read it! :)
Pretty sure I've read that a couple times, lol. You just need some of the sniper's friends to make appearances for series baiting.
You know I'd read it!
Oh, I'd forgotten about the series potential! Ok, so he has four brothers then, each a security professional in an improbably specific field. Each has a deep, dark secret to deal with.
Nailed it.