Comments: 8
BrokenTune 5 years ago
The Wicked Stepmother, because it is not as good as The Elementals but you now know that McDowell could write. Follow up with Gilded Needles which is sublime and definitely my favourite so far. Then The Amulet and finish on Cold Moon Over Babylon, which was breathtaking. ;D
(I haven't read Katie or Toplin, yet, ...)
As the page turns.. 5 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions!! The Gilded Needles was going to be my next one but I'll follow your advice :)
5 years ago
Yasssss--to everything BT is saying up there!
My absolute favorite though, is BLACKWATER. It was originally a series of 6 paperbacks, but now they're available as one volume. It's a southern family, generational tale with horrific aspects to it, and it's simply outstanding. The Southern family in THE ELEMENTALS steal the show. In BLACKWATER, they ARE the show. :)

You really can't go wrong with anything by McDowell, though Toplin is definitely an atypical story from him.
As the page turns.. 5 years ago
:D thanks Char and thanks again for putting such a great author on my radar! :D
Portable Magic 5 years ago
This was my first McDowell, too, and I loved it. I have the Blackwater Chronicles on my TBR but haven't started it yet.
5 years ago
It's also available on audio. Over 33 hours of bliss, as far as I'm concerned.
Well, do you call it bliss if you're crying your butt off at times over losing a character you love?
After thinking on it...yes, yes you do. :)
As the page turns.. 5 years ago
glad to hear I wasn't alone :)
BrokenTune 5 years ago
I really need to get to the Balckwater Chronicles, but the prospect of bawling my eyes out and the length of the book are making me push back on it. I have the audio, so it would be likely I'd end up crying in public on a train or plane or the gym or when stuck in traffic. It's not something to look forward to. ;P