Comments: 9
Bark at the Ghouls 9 years ago
I wish you look ;)
A Voracious Reader 9 years ago
Thanks! :)
Oof. Rather you than me. I prefer reading the snark on the Dead Ice thread on the Amazon forums.
A Voracious Reader 9 years ago
I keep trying to quit, but it's hard. lol
deannahello 9 years ago
I got this, and read it after I said I was finished with the series for pretty much the same reason everyone else is. I got it mostly cause the hard cover was on sale at BAM for 5$, and I'd heard it had an actual plot. It did seem like she's trying a bit harder, and not just writing endless random sex scenes.
A Voracious Reader 9 years ago
I have the new book, Dead Ice, reserved at the library (done buying until her writing gets better, if it ever does) and I heard that her writing is getting back to what it used to be. So I figured I better get up to speed before the book is available. We'll see how it goes.
deannahello 9 years ago
I might read dead ice. I'll definitely wait till its a Bargain book though. I won't spend more than 5$ on her books anymore. It's a shame cause her early stuff I really liked. Right about Narcisse in chains it started screaming downhill for me. Personally I think if she spent less time defending Polyamory, and more time on actual plot. It would help. I dont have anything againt poly I just grow boed with pro poly rants every other paragraph.
A Voracious Reader 9 years ago
I hear ya. Her early books were fairly well-written. Even the ones after her no edit clause (NiC) weren't too bad. But they started a slow slide that picked up speed until I just wanted to slap some sense into her. I don't mind the sex. I just wish it were better written and less a part of the plot.Shit, how I miss an actual plot. One that makes sense and doesn't lose steam halfway through. Less filler and repetition and more action would be awesome. And for the love of Pete, she needs to stop with the people who hate Anita for no damn reason. I'm so sick of that.
deannahello 9 years ago
Anita is pretty hard to take with her all other women hate me cause they are jealous shit. Maybe people dislike you cause you are really combative all the time.