Comments: 11
Krazykiwi @ Kiwitopia 10 years ago
Amazon has a similar thing called "Matchbook", but it's opt-in for authors, and I don't think it's very popular. I'm pretty sure Baen does this too.

ETA: Matchbook is not only opt-in, it's not necessarily "download it free" but could be "download for only $2.99" (or some other price.) But the author can choose free, if they want.
AnnaLund2011 10 years ago
That's good!

Do you know of any publishers that do it the other way around? That gives you the option to get the paperback AFTER reading the ebook?
Krazykiwi @ Kiwitopia 10 years ago
No, but I'd love it! (Even a discount on the paperback, considering printing costs vs ebooks lack of marginal)
AnnaLund2011 10 years ago
Yeah, I think it would be a great way to get people to buy more, actually.
It makes sense, to me, to first read the ebook. And it angers me that I then can't get the paperback/ebook combo, because I already PAID for the ebook.

Maybe they could take the ebook price off the paperback, add shipping, and OHOY! Hehe

I think I need to talk to publishers about this.
Twisted Reads 10 years ago
That is awesome... makes me wish I could actually afford to buy the paperbacks... there are many of them on my want to own in print shelf
Mammarella 10 years ago
I don't think they'd do it, only because DTBs are so much more expensive. I wouldn't mind, however, if after the purchase of an ebook they would take that amount off its DTB version if you decide to go for it.
Sherlock Lestat 10 years ago
You know what would be nice? A movie rental model for books. That's what Amazon does today but charging horrors for the rental. It could be easily implemented on today's model. You could buy the paperback(and gain the ebook for free) or just "rent" the ebook for a period, read it and delete it afterward(for a much lower price than the paperback version). I guess it's almost done actually: all still needed is to low the ebook prices(a 1/10th of the paperback seems fair) and delete then after a period.
OstensiblyA 10 years ago
Ugh, of course it's a useless, unethical fanfic publisher that's finally bundling. I've been waiting forever for pubs to pull their heads out of their ass regarding this. =/
KindleRomance 10 years ago
There's a site called Oyster that "rents" ebooks. You pay a monthly fee to read as much as you want. I think other publishers are trying this out too, but none of them have enough books that I'm interested in.
AnnaLund2011 10 years ago
Interesting thoughts and insights, people. Mammarella, that is exactly what I would want, too.
I'm not liking the idea of renting books at all, I have very strange reading habits, and books can stay on a hiatus for months on end with me, Sherlock, so that wouldn't work at all on this side.
I know, OstensiblyA. They've bettered their ways somewhat, however, and this is a good signal.
KindleRomance, Oyster sounds interesting, for people who read books in one go and don't go back to reread. It wouldn't work for me at all. :-)
AnnaLund2011 10 years ago
Twisted - I hear you! God, it's scary how much money I could spend on books if given half a chance, really. hehehe