Comments: 17
a TeMPLe of WoRDS 11 years ago
I totally agree with Charlotte. Smart kid!!
Yep. You go Charlotte!
I read a comment on this letter one day and it made me furious. The commenter said he didn't get the issue since lego girls "went on exotic vacations", "ran successful businesses" and etc. He linked to google shopping results for each, and his idea of "exotic vacations" was some random beach set. And the successful business thing was what really got me. It was a bakery/ice cream shop. Really? Is that all women are good for? I applaud this little girl's letter, because I know when i cruise the toy aisles I sure don't see a lot of modern-day female Lego toys.
a TeMPLe of WoRDS 11 years ago
I was just saying that to my mom. I am a grown adult, but I am still obsessed with legos. I think they should have a girl pirate one. Yup. Cause us girls can be pirates if we want to *hands on hips*
I wanna be a pirate too! With a cool Jack Sparrow wig!
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
Fuck Jack Sparrow, aspire to be Anne Bonny or Mary Read
Derrolyn Anderson 11 years ago
I've raised three daughters, and I approve :) I got to the point where I'd aim the vacuum at all the Goddamned Barbie shoes. I'd send my girls out to the backyard where they'd catch lizards and pollywogs. I once found them playing "Iron Chef" in their toy kitchen, using our three chickens as judges, LOL.
Derrolyn Anderson 11 years ago
PS - In case any one thinks "toy kitchen" is sexist, you need to know that their Dad does 99% of the cooking in our household.
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
Sounds like me. I do the vast majority of the cooking at home
TeaStitchRead 11 years ago
I won't buy the Lego sets for boys or girls, but I will buy the basic building ones that I played with as a kid. I think those builds a kid's imagination more so than a particular set and they are designed to be gender neutral. They are also a whole less expensive!
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
If I am fortunate enough to have a daughter I will be getting her, and letting her play with whatever the fuck she wants. No I don't mean patently dangerous shit, but I mean whatever toys she wants
Yep. My Barbies could be queens of the ball when they dressed up and went out, but by day they were career women (one a doctor, one a lawyer, IIRC), and they spent their vacations on self-guided safaris or similar camping trips out in the wilds, or sailing the world's oceans in their boat. (No male crew on board!)
a TeMPLe of WoRDS 11 years ago
This reminds me. When I was little, I thought Barbies were cool (I mean, what girl doesn't look at their clothes and think WOW!?) but they weren't something I actually wanted to play with, but they were a gift I got ALL the TIME, especially since I had a sister who was four years younger than me who loved those things (her room was her Barbie room, my room was my Barbie room - her idea - and she would leave for awhile ... and I would go back to reading). I loved legos and coloring (still do love both) and I wanted an Optimus Prime one year (*cough cough* several years *cough cough*), but my mom refused to let me have one because it was a "boy" toy. It sucked because all the stuff I thought were cool were not for girls and until I was around 11 I was told all the time that I should like pretty things like blah blah blah. I think it's cool that they have boys and girls in the playsets, but I think they should have both in each set instead of continuing the stereotype - women can be scientists, men can be chefs. legos are awesome to play with, but having people always makes it much more fun.

I'm glad that there are fathers like you (:D) who will let their daughters play with whatever they want. My dad was all for it (he told me all the time that I can do anything a boy can do, except for pee standing up - my dad, so eloquent :p), but mom won out all the time.

(By the way, I have an Optimus Prime - he sits on my desk - right next to the high heeled tape dispenser my mom bought me for this past Christmas haha.)