I bought and read Strom Front recently. I liked it OK. Most people tend to agree that series gets better around book 4. I've even heard that the author recommend people start reading at book 4. Generally I would never do that. I'm just curious if 2 and 3 are that tedious to get through?
Two is. Three is less so but it definitely picks up the pace with book 4. Book 3 is Grave Peril and it introduces Michael Carpenter to the mix. It's a good ghost hunting story. The pace drops a bit toward the end but book 15, the one I'm reading, references the villains and events of the first three or four. I'd definitely say miss fool moon, but try book three and then maybe two later. They can be read out of order and still make sense.
I'm just a huge fan boy for this series. Have been for about 10 years lol
I'll give it a try usually I'm crazy about reading in order, but I hate it give up on highly rated series just because of a couple of really slow ones.
Two is essentially an alternate book 1. Introduces you to the same characters and just adds werewolves. It's probably the worst book in the series. You aren't missing anything important
Two is essentially an alternate book 1. Introduces you to the same characters and just adds werewolves. It's probably the worst book in the series. You aren't missing anything important
I had a slow start with book 1 I did end up finishing the last 200 pages in 1 sitting one evening. I'm looking for something to replace the Anita Blake vampire Hunter novels since they are intolerable now. The first few had a nice paranormal mystery mix.
I'm just a huge fan boy for this series. Have been for about 10 years lol