Comments: 4
Tina's Reading Space 9 years ago
I don't think I'm a book snob (nor do I think you are based on your story) but I do think that as readers/bloggers we do learn from experience. Whether that's learning that a great cover doesn't always mean a great book, or that a great book can have a bad cover.

I take recommendations with a grain of salt, and like you if the synopsis catches my attention I'll usually read it anyway. It's not a snobbery thing, it's a personal preference. We all are looking for different things from our books and we don't all have to like every book, that's what makes this industry great! There is something for everyone.

Unless you are actively seeking out people to put down for liking a book that you didn't enjoy, or just making a bad time for anyone in regards to their choice of books I'd say you're probably not a book snob.
Bookish Things & More 9 years ago
Those are pretty much my thoughts exactly. I'm very much a read what you like. If it's a book with a poor cover fine, if it's a beautiful cover go for it. But I've read both great books and duds either way.
I don't consider myself a book snob, but like Tina says, we learn from experience. And tastes change. I spend a lot of hours devouring paranormal romances a couple years back. Books that I used to love, now I can't stand them. That doesn't mean I am book snob, it just means that I've changed.
To each their tastes, and there's nothing I hate the most that seeing people trying to shame others because they aren't reading "real literature".
As for covers, I've learned that pretty covers sometimes try to compensate for in-existent plots _ lol_ so I've come to depend on friends reviews.
And no, I don't think you're being a book snob!
Bookish Things & More 9 years ago
OMG YES!!! I hate when people look down on others that aren't reading classics. Sometimes I don't want to learn anything when read. I just want to escape!