Comments: 8
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. :-D
BrokenTune 8 years ago
Wasn't there a famous quote about the triumph of evil when good men do nothing? Sounds like great read.
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.' ~ Edmund Burke
BrokenTune 8 years ago
That's the one. :) That was what to my mind when I read your "he has seen the indifference of passivity and the evil that always floods in to fill that vacuum, and he'll not be party to it any more."
anyway, sounds like a great read.
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
Yes, and it manages to make one think of current day issues though it is thoroughly Tudor.
OK, this one looks really interesting. (Alas, my library does not have it! ::gnashes teeth::)
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
I think it is small press published. Not received as much attention as it should.