Comments: 4
All I can get my son interested in is Star Wars and I'm not into that really. Wish I had better luck getting him into books. Of course he's only 6 but I wish he'd show more interest in books
Kaethe 8 years ago
I'm mostly indifferent to Star Wars myself, so I feel your pain. The good news is that now Disney has the rights you should be able to find LOTS of Star Wars books in the near future.

Natasha liked pandas, bats, and wolves so for a few years that was all we read. Well, and Franny K. Stein, because everyone loves mad science.
At six I was really into dinosaurs. Much to my mother's relief, my next thing was mythology. (She knows more about mythology than dinosaurs.)
Kaethe 8 years ago
I'm liking the YA zombie stage more, I admit it.