such a cute cat. and those white paws... Unfortunately cats show signs of old age too. But I'm sure she has a great home and you will do everything in your power to make her feel comfortable :)
Thanks, you two. And yes, we definetely will do anything for her. She's a family member and such an elegant old lady and we love her, whichever disabilities she may have.
They are doing their best to avoid vomiting on my bed, but they never vomit in the kitchen or bathroom where there is tile. They prefer the carpet. I'm getting very skilled at spot cleaning. If I take my glasses off, I can hardly see the spots!
I had one who did her best not to vomit on the carpeting, but on tile or wood instead (she'd try to run there, while making preliminary heaves, poor lamb). She was a sweetheart.
I think mine prefers the carpet for traction. If I see in time, I move him to the tile and hold him so that he doesn't slide around as he heaves. It is becoming more common as he ages -- 16 now. His sight seems to be better or worse from day to day. I feed him a lot of ahi, which seems to help with the sight and stiffness.
16 is a great age! Good to hear that it helps him. Do you feed him the ahi raw or cooked?
Btw, I just realized who you are. ;)
Haven't been here for quite some time...
Mostly raw as he finds the softer texture easier to eat. If I'm cooking it I use an oilier piece and flake it. His teeth seem to be bothering him lately.
It was recommended by a friend who found it helpful with his own joint pain. And I figure lean protein can't be bad for carnivores. A lot of people online swear by it. Heh, some of the sites were all "you may have some difficulty getting your cat to adapt to new foods" but mine was practically singing the Hallelluia chorus. He literally dances around on his hind legs waving his paws in excitement.
Ahi happy dance :D
I can't imagine any cat that would refuse to eat fish. There may be a few really snobby ones that only feed on filet and foie gras, but non of the cats I've known would have had difficulties to adapt to fresh fish.
I think it's more cats that have been raised with only kitty kibble, not switching from one meat to another. I tried offering meat to my aunt's cat when I was watching her and she seemed to find it interesting to sniff, but she wouldn't try it.
A beautiful cat. I love those white paws.
I hope your cats will not take advantage of your new tolerance towards vomit.
@Susanna: What a polite vomiter! She could have taught other cats to do so as well, though.
Btw, I just realized who you are. ;)
Haven't been here for quite some time...
I can't imagine any cat that would refuse to eat fish. There may be a few really snobby ones that only feed on filet and foie gras, but non of the cats I've known would have had difficulties to adapt to fresh fish.
It is not usual here to only feed kibble, it's mostly used like a snack in between the meals.