Comments: 15
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
The buttons are beautiful, Silver Thistle!
SilverThistle 11 years ago
Thank you :D They'll look so pretty when we're all spamming everyone's dashboard with them, mwhahahah!
Thanks again Silver Thistle! One question, do you know how to put the graphic as the link to the challenge page? I've made the page but can't figure out how to put the graphic on the side...
SilverThistle 11 years ago
No problem :)

I've added a little bit to the post above to let you know how to make the graphic a link to your page. I've got mine linked in my sidebar (although I don't have my page yet so I've linked it to my tutorial page) so you can see how it looks. Let me know if it won't work out for you or if I'm not making any sense :)
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago

I get really confused with this part, obviously!
SilverThistle 11 years ago
The YOUR-URL-LINK-HERE is the link address of the page you'd like your image to take you to (eg. for your particular challenge page you'd use = )

The YOUR-IMAGE-LINK-HERE is the address of where the image is hosted. In this case it's the same image for everyone so everyone can use the image link to the one in this post if they like... - You would put as tha't's the image link to the challenge button in this post.

If you right click on the challenge button and choose 'view image' it will take you to a page that has 'only' that image on it and the link in the address bar is the one you'd use.

Hope this helps :) It's still early here so there's a good chance I'm making no sense, lol.

Also...nice new festive background on your blog!! :D
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
You are an awesome teacher! I even had to change my page name to make it short enough to show up properly on the side and I could still follow your directions to use the new link. Thank you for helping me!

The new background makes me feel festive, too! :)
SilverThistle 11 years ago
You're very welcome :) Glad it makes sense and worked! :D
Yeay! That helped, thanks so much!
SilverThistle 11 years ago
Welcome :D
SilverThistle 11 years ago
I'm so excited to start this and see what everyone picks to read for each letter! :D

Any you're very welcome :)
MyReadingWorld 11 years ago
How do I go about personalising a button? I like the idea of setting up a separate page on our blogs to keep track of the challenge
SilverThistle 11 years ago
Your own personalised button is up in the post, ready to go :)

I like the separate page idea too, I'm going to make mine when I finish the first challenge book.
MyReadingWorld 11 years ago
Thanks! Off to try and create my page :)