Comments: 19
I just finished reading all the articles linked here (didn't go to Correia's post because I think Jim Hines articulated against it quite nicely), but....dude, WTF? Correia entirely missed the point of the article and didn't even bother getting the author's gender right (which would've taken two seconds at most). And insulted her for her age among other things.

And then had the audacity to throw a lot of pure...ignorance into the mix about so many things. I can't. I seriously cannot.

I'd say more, but I'm afraid my RoseHulk will start showing. But collective reaction: *facepalm, headdesk, Everythingdesk* on Correia's part, wins for Hines and Bibliotropic.

And standing ovation for Alex MacFarlane's original article. That really was a fascinating read.
The Fangirl 11 years ago
Correia reminds me of the misogynist old guard of science fiction and fantasy fandom. I cannot tell you how many time I've read similar rants on message boards and fangroups.

Alex MacFarlane's article has inspired me to make some significant changes to my current manuscript. Totally changed me perspective. So awesome.
I'm currently working on an WIP where gender roles (it's set in a matriarchal society) and various expressions of sexuality play a part, so it was enlightening for me as well. =) And considering it's in sci-fi, I'm definitely paying attention and it's making me think about my portrayals.
The Fangirl 11 years ago
Yes. Mine is also sci-fi, and it involves robots and androids, which by their design can present a gender, but that presentation is a construct. Not just socially, but in actuality. There's a lot of fertile ground in the kinds of topic, science fiction and fantasy that is begging to be explored.
I bet Larry Correia loves Ben "date rape is nothing major" Bova. (Read one of Bova's books last year. I now know why people have "Bova Bans." I'm not sure if I was most turned off by the pedestrian writing, the lack of characterization beyond the level of "the hunky mechanic" and "the sexy secretary," or a female character being date raped and being relieved she'd lost her virginity. Pick any one you like!)
The Fangirl 11 years ago
I'm not familiar with Bova, and now I'm glad I'm not.
I remember Ben Bova by name because he wrote a series of books on writing sci-fi/fantasy, but I've never read those, nor his actual works. Now I know not to. =/
The sad thing is I picked it up because Bova edited some very good anthologies of science fiction that I read in the 70s and 80s. So I'd recommend those, instead!
Bibliotropic (guest) 11 years ago
"[...]a female character being date raped and being relieved she'd lost her virginity."

...What the everloving fuck?!
Yeah, that was a major "throw the book at the wall" moment.
WOw. this really saddens me. I loved Monster Hunters, Inc and the sequel. My husband enjoyed them too - but really loves his GrimNoir series. :( IDK... hubby has been [impatiently] waiting for the next books to come out. *so depressed*
I remember his name from mention not just from Monster Hunters International, but also writing circles (he was featured on the Writing Excuses podcast a few times). So it gutted me when I read this article.
The Fangirl 11 years ago
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. :(
Bibliotropic (guest) 11 years ago
Thanks for linking back to my article.

And your "Are you kidding me" image summed things up really nicely, too! :D That's about the gift of what I was thinking the whole time reading Correia's post. In between the facepalming, anyway.
The Fangirl 11 years ago
One of the bright spots of this mess is that it lead me to your blog, which I LOVE. :)
Yama (guest) 11 years ago
The thing you need to know about Larry Correia is that he associates with Vox Day.
ugh. Just googled him. I'm disgusted.
The Fangirl 11 years ago
I googled him too and now I need a shower.